Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981

伟大的中国共产党六十 1921-1981
Weidade Zhongguo gongchandang liushinian 1921-1981
Sixty years of the great Chinese Communist Party 1921-1981
Zhanshi chubanshe (战士出版社)
53x37 cm.
BG D25/239

Part of a series marking the 60th anniversary of the CCP. Subtitled "Creating a party organization, leading the labor movement" (创建党的组织领导工人运动), this second part (of two) covers the "The founding period of the Communist Party of China 1919-1923) (中国共产党创建时期 1919-1923).

It shows a number of the 13 persons present at the founding congress of the CCP in July 1921 (Mao Zedong, Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu, He Shuheng, Wang Jinmei, Deng Enming); the site of the first congress in Shanghai; the houseboat on South Lake (Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province), where the actual event took place; the Anyuan miners' strike (1922); and the Beijing-Hankou railroad strike (1923).

All posters in this series