The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism before Liberation

Jiefangqian Tianzhu jiaohui fangeming fubi huodongde zuixing
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism before Liberation
mid 1960s
Publisher unknown
54x38 cm.
BG D25/77

A two-part series detailing the counterrevolutionary activities and "crimes" perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Mission in China before and after 1949. Both series are incomplete: the first part lacks the opening sheets; the second part lacks at least one sheet, and possibly more at the end.
Due to this, it is impossible to indicate when the series were published, where, by whom, and for what specific purpose. The last evil deed discussed, at the end of part two, dates from July 1965, during the "Four Clean Ups" movement (四清运动). This suggests that the two series were published some time in the mid-1960s.
The names of the foreign missionaries have been identified as far as possibile.

At the top, “The Catholic Church organized counter-revolutionary armed forces to massacre and suppress the Chinese people together with the imperialist invaders" (天主教会组织反革命武装与帝国主义侵略军一起屠杀镇压中国人民).

Below, two photographs of the French invasion forces at the Xujiahui Observatory and the Xujiahui Catholic Church in Shanghai.

Bottom, "Before 1900, the Chinese people launched the Boxer Rebellion against imperialist aggression. Imperialist missionaries and Catholic organizations launched armed forces and frantically suppressed the just struggle of the Chinese people. This is the counter-revolutionary armed 'Catholic Volunteer Army' of the Catholic Church in Zhengding Prefecture, Hebei Province, which suppressed the Boxer Rebellion. The one standing in the middle with a cross is the fourth bishop of Zhengding Diocese, the imperialist Bao Rulüe" (一九零零年前,中国人民掀起了反对帝国主义侵略的义和团运动。帝国主义传教士和天主教会组织发动武装,疯狂地对中国人民这一正义斗争进行镇压。这是当时河北正定府天主堂镇压义和团运动的反革命武装“教民志愿军“。立在中间佩十字者是正定教区第四任主教帝国主义分子包儒略).

Bao Rulüe was the Chinese name of Bishop Jules Bruguière, C.M (1851-1906).

31.193056, 121.431389

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