The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism before Liberation

Jiefangqian Tianzhu jiaohui fangeming fubi huodongde zuixing
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism before Liberation
mid 1960s
Publisher unknown
54x38 cm.
BG D25/92

A two-part series detailing the counterrevolutionary activities and "crimes" perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Mission in China before and after 1949. Both series are incomplete: the first part lacks the opening sheets; the second part lacks at least one sheet, and possibly more at the end.
Due to this, it is impossible to indicate when the series were published, where, by whom, and for what specific purpose. The last evil deed discussed, at the end of part two, dates from July 1965, during the "Four Clean Ups" movement (四清运动). This suggests that the two series were published some time in the mid-1960s.
The names of the foreign missionaries have been identified as far as possible.

Above left, "Win over the people by claiming to cure diseases, conducting experiments to harm the masses" (借治病笼络人心做试验残害群众).

Above right, "Imperialist missionaries set up hospitals in our country to spread foreign 'civilization' and deceive and enslave the Chinese people. They did not do so out of kindness. It is precisely because they had such evil purposes that many Chinese patients were often used as experimental subjects or even deliberately killed in the hospitals they run. They treated the Chinese people with such poison!" (帝国主义传教士在我国开办医院为了借以宣扬外国“文明”,欺骗奴化我国人民。并不是出于什么慈喜心肠。正因为他们抱着这样的罪恶目的,所以在他们所办的医院里,常常有许多中国病人被当作试验品甚至故意给治死。他们对待中国人民,就是这样的狼毒!).

Middle, "Using medical treatment to deceive the masses and instill in them the idea of ​​worshipping foreign things and becoming slaves" (利用治病欺骗群众,灌输崇洋奴化思想).

Below, "These are the imperialist monks and nuns of the Shanghai Catholic Puci Sanatorium who beat up Chinese mental patients. They said: 'The patients will not obey unless they are beaten'." (这是上海天主教普慈疗养院的帝国主义修士,修女毒打中国的精神病人,他们说:“病人不打是不服贴的").

The Shanghai Catholic Puci Sanatorium, which opened in 1935, was also known as The Mercy Hospital for Nervous Diseases.

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