A two-part series detailing the counterrevolutionary activities and "crimes" perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Mission in China before and after 1949. Both series are incomplete: the first part lacks the opening sheets; the second part lacks at least one sheet, and possibly more at the end.
Due to this, it is impossible to indicate when the series were published, where, by whom, and for what specific purpose. The last evil deed discussed, at the end of part two, dates from July 1965, during the "Four Clean Ups" movement (四清运动). This suggests that the two series were published some time in the mid-1960s.
The names of the foreign missionaries have been identified as far as possible.
Top line "The Catholic Church colluded with the Japanese and puppet traitors and Jiang Jieshi's gang to carry out counter-revolutionary activities" (天主教会与日伪汉奸及蒋介石匪帮勾结进行反革命活动)
Top photo: "The French imperialist Gao Dehui (former bishop of Jilin Diocese, identified with X) and others colluded with Hishikari, the commander of the Japanese imperialist Kwantung Army invading China, to carry out aggressive activities. This is a photo of them taken together on 14 February 1934." (法帝国主义分子高德惠(原吉林教区主教,有X者)等,同日本帝国主义侵华关东军司令菱刈勾结,进行侵略活动这是一九三四年二月十四日,他们在一起时拍的照片).
Gao Dehui was the Chinese name of Auguste Ernest Gaspais (1884-1952), Catholic missionary and bishop in Manchuria.
Hishikari Takashi (菱刈 隆, 1871–1952) was a general in the Imperial Japanese Army.
The Kwantung Army was formed in 1906 as a security force for the Kwantung Leased Territory and South Manchurian Railway Zone after the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905 and expanded into an army group during the Interwar period to support Japanese interests in China, Manchuria, and Mongolia. It was largely responsible for the establishment of the Japanese puppet-state of Manchukuo in Manchuria and functioned as one of the main Japanese fighting forces during the 1937–1945 Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937.
Middle photo: "This is a photo of the great traitor, Han Yunjie, the head of the puppet Manchukuo delegation to Europe, and Gao Dehui." (这是大汉奸,伪满访欧特使团团长韩云阶,同高德惠在一起拍的照片)
Document: "This is the notice issued by the Shanghai Catholic Church for the memorial service for the Japanese invaders and traitors“ (这是社会天主教会为日本侵略军和汉奸追悼会发出的通知)
Bottom photo: "The Shanghai Catholic Church held a memorial mass for the Japanese invaders and traitors who were annihiliated by the people opposing Japan" (上海天主教会为被抗日人民消灭的日本侵略军和汉奸举行追悼弥撒)