A two-part series detailing the counterrevolutionary activities and "crimes" perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Mission in China before and after 1949. Both series are incomplete: the first part lacks the opening sheets; the second part lacks at least one sheet, and possibly more at the end.
Due to this, it is impossible to indicate when the series were published, where, by whom, and for what specific purpose. The last evil deed discussed, at the end of part two, dates from July 1965, during the "Four Clean Ups" movement (四清运动). This suggests that the two series were published some time in the mid-1960s.
The names of the foreign missionaries have been identified as far as possible.
This poster deals with the murder of Quan Sandu. “The Catholic Church in Honggou Village, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, is ostensibly a place for religious activities, but in reality it is a den for murderering counter-revolutionaries and people. According to incomplete statistics, during the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, counter-revolutionaries such as Hao Nai and Zhang Chengfu, priests of the Catholic Church in Honggou Village, successively killed 13 of our revolutionary cadres and the masses. The case introduced here is just one of their murder crimes." (山西省太原市红沟村天主堂,表面上是一个进行宗教活动的场所,实际上是一座反革命反人民的杀人魔窟。据不完全统计,在抗日战争时期和解放战争时期,红沟等村天主教堂神甫郝鼐,张成福等反革命分子,先后杀害我革命干部和群众十三人。这里介绍的只是其杀人罪行中的一个案件).
”One day in the autumn of 1940, Comrade Quan Sandu, a scout of the Yangqu County Guerrilla Brigade, was working in the Tuling Village area when he was discovered by the counter-revolutionary Catholic Zhang Pibi, who informed the priest Zhang Chengfu (the chief spy of the Jiang Jieshi bandit army). Zhang immediately sent people to tie Comrade Quan Sandu up in the church, tortured him severely, and threw him into a well." (一九四0年秋天的有一天,我阳曲县游击大队侦察员权三秃同志,在土岭村一带工作,被反革命分子天主教徒张丕璧发现,向神甫张成福(蒋匪军总特务)告密,张党当却派人将权三秃同志捆到教堂,严刑拷打后,仍进一个井里).
“Comrade Quan Sandu was not drowned. He was found by a crowd the next morning when he was calling for help. When they were about to rescue him, he was also found by Zhang Chengfu. He instructed the reactionary believers to prepare a lot of stones and bricks at the well mouth, and pretended to say to Comrade Quan Sandu in the well, 'Don't worry, we will rescue you immediately!'" (权三秃同志违背淹死。第二天晨呼救时,被一群众发现,正准备搭救时,又被张成福发现。他指使反动教徒,一面在井口准备了许多石头和砖块,一面假意对井下的权三秃同志说“不要急,我们马上救你!”).
”After they tricked Quan Sandu up, they used the stones they had prepared in advance to smash him to death." (当他们将权三秃同志骗上来以后,使用事先准备好的石头等,活活将权三秃同志砸死).