The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism before Liberation

Jiefangqian Tianzhu jiaohui fangeming fubi huodongde zuixing
The counter-revolutionary and restorationist crimes of Catholicism before Liberation
mid 1960s
Publisher unknown
54x38 cm.
BG D25/105

A two-part series detailing the counterrevolutionary activities and "crimes" perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Mission in China before and after 1949. Both series are incomplete: the first part lacks the opening sheets; the second part lacks at least one sheet, and possibly more at the end.
Due to this, it is impossible to indicate when the series were published, where, by whom, and for what specific purpose. The last evil deed discussed, at the end of part two, dates from July 1965, during the "Four Clean Ups" movement (四清运动). This suggests that the two series were published some time in the mid-1960s.
The names of the foreign missionaries have been identified as far as possible.

Top three photo's, "This is another orphan from the Wuhan Huayuanshan 'Infant Care Home', named Xiang Fangming. He was dying when he was taken over. He had seven diseases including sepsis, scabies, etc." (这是武汉花园山“育婴堂”的另一孤儿,叫向方明。接管时奄奄一息,患者脓毒,疥疮等七种病).
"More than a year later, Xiang Fangming is already a healthy child". (一年多以后,向方明已经是一个健康的孩子了).
"Xiang Fangming is currently a student at Wuhan No. 20 Middle School". (现在的向方明是武汉市20中的学生).

Middle, "The following are some orphans from the former Wuhan Huayuanshan 'Infant Orphanage'. After liberation, they have been nurtured and educated by the Party and the People's Government. Now they have grown up healthily and are participating in various socialist construction projects." (下面是原武汉花园山“育婴堂”的几个孤儿,解放后,经过党和人民政府的培养和教育,现在已经健康成长,参加各项社会主义建设事业).

Middle left, "This is Zhang Lianghui, an orphan who was once beaten by the American imperialist He Demei. Now she is a worker at the Wuhan Hanyang District Environmental Sanitation Management Office". (这是曾经遭到美帝国主义分子何德美毒打的孤儿张良辉,现在这是武汉市汉阳区环境卫生管理所的工人).

He Demei established the Huayuanshan orphanage in 1928; few of the babies sent there survived to adulthood.

Middle right, "This is the orphan Zhou Gang, now a teacher at the Wuhan No. 2 National Cotton Mill Children's School". (这是孤儿周刚,现在是武汉市国棉二厂子弟学校的人民教师).

Bottom left, "This is the orphan Xu Qiaozhen, now a lathe worker at the Wuhan Qiaoguang Factory". (这是孤儿徐巧珍,现在是武汉市桥光工厂的车工).

Bottom right, "This is the orphan Cheng Baozhen, now a nurse at the Wuhan Medical College." (这是孤儿程宝珍,现在是武汉医学院的护士).

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