A two-part series detailing the counterrevolutionary activities and "crimes" perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Mission in China before and after 1949. Both series are incomplete: the first part lacks the opening sheets; the second part lacks at least one sheet, and possibly more at the end.
Due to this, it is impossible to indicate when the series were published, where, by whom, and for what specific purpose. The last evil deed discussed, at the end of part two, dates from July 1965, during the "Four Clean Ups" movement (四清运动). This suggests that the two series were published some time in the mid-1960s.
The names of the foreign missionaries have been identified as far as possible.
Above, “The People's Liberation Army won victory after victory, and Jiang Jieshi's reactionary regime was about to fall. In order to preserve the reactionary forces, the imperialists in the Catholic Church carried out 'contingency deployment' and managed to hide the counter-revolutionaries." (人民解放军接连取得胜利,蒋介石的反动政权看就要倒台了,天主教会内的帝国主义分子为了保存反动力量进行了“应变部署”,把反革命分子设法隐蔽潜伏下来).
Middle, "Establishing the counter-revolutionary organization 'Army of Our Lady' was one of the "contingency plans" of the imperialists. At the end of 1948, the Roman Catholic Church established the counter-revolutionary organization 'Army of Our Lady' through the imperialist Li Peili, the envoy to the reactionary government of the GMD. After the liberation of the whole country, this counter-revolutionary organization carried out a series of counter-revolutionary sabotage movements crazily. This is the imperialist Wen Guibin, who established the counter-revolutionary organization 'Army of Our Lady' in the Tianjin Diocese according to Li Peili's instructions.“ (建立反革命组织”圣母军“,就是帝国主义分子的”应变部署“之一。一九四八年底,罗马教廷通过驻国民党反动政府的公使,帝国主义分子黎培里建立了反革命组织”圣母军“。这个反革命组织在全国解放后,疯狂的进行了一系列的反革命破坏运动。这是帝国主义分子文贵宾,按照黎培里的指示,在天津教区建立反革命组织”圣母军“)
Li Peili was the Chinese name of Antonio Riberi (1897-1967), appointed nuncio to China in 1946.
Wen Guibin was the Chinese name of Jean de Vienne de Hautefeuille (1877-1957), French missionary of the Society of the Missionaries of France, Apostolic Vicar of the Southwest Vicariate of Zhili and Bishop of Tianjin Diocese.
The Legion of Mary (Army of Our Lady) is an international association of members of the Catholic Church who serve it on a voluntary basis. It was founded in Dublin, as a Marian movement by the layman and civil servant Frank Duff.
Below, ”The 'Army of Our Lady' is a very strict counter-revolutionary organization of imperialism to sabotage the revolutionary movement of the people of the world and carry out anti-communist activities. This is the 'Army of Our Lady' manual issued by imperialism, which makes extremely detailed provisions on the nature, goals, organizational system, working principles, and methods of activities of the 'Army of Our Lady'." (”圣母军“是帝国主义为了破坏世界人民革命运动,进行反共活动的一个很严密的反革命组织。这是帝国主义印发的”圣母军“手册,对”圣母军“的性质,目标,组织系统,工作原则,活动方法都作了极其详细的规定).