Famous people, famous words -- Deng Xiaoping

名人名言 -- 邓小平
Ming ren ming yan -- Deng Xiaoping
Famous people, famous words -- Deng Xiaoping
1996, March
Neimenggu daxue chubanshe (内蒙古大学出版社)
108x35.5 cm.
BG E13/526

"Famous people, famous words" is an educational series from 1996, presenting a number of famous persons, both Chinese and foreign, and their famous utterances. This quote by Deng Xiaoping reads "Education should be geared to the needs of the future, of the world and of modernization" (Jiaoyu yao mianxiang weilai, mianxiang shijie, mianxiang xiandaihua, 教育面向未来, 面向世界, 面向现代化) and has become known as the "Three aspects" (Sange mianxiang, 三个面向). It is the inscription Deng made for the Beijing Jingshan School on 1 October 1983. The official phrasing of the inscription differs from the quote provided here and reads "Education should be geared to the needs of modernization, of the world and of the future" (Jiaoyu yao mainxiang xiandaihua, mianxiang shijie, mianxiang weilai, 教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来).

All posters in this series