Popularization of general legal knowledge wall charts

Puji falü changshi guatu
Popularization of general legal knowledge wall charts
1987, June
Beifang funü ertong chubanshe (北方妇女儿童出版社)
53x76 cm.
BG E37/670

Sixth poster of a set of 23 posters, part of the Five Year plan to popularize legal knowledge (October 1986). The individual posters discuss various major laws, including the Constitution, Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Law, Marriage Law, etc.

The poster further explains the structure of the "Criminal Law" (刑法), detailing "Serious crimes that undermine the socialist system and disrupt socialist order" (破坏社会主义制度和破坏社会主义秩序的严重犯罪) with examples of "Some common serious crimes" (几种常见的严重犯罪), which include counter-revolution; murder; gross bodily harm; prostitution; and vagrancy; and examples of "Serious economic and other crimes" (经济领域以及其他方面的严重犯罪), which include corruption; theft; burglary; smugling; influence peddling; and gross dereliction of duty. 

All posters in this series