Popularization of general legal knowledge wall charts

Puji falü changshi guatu
Popularization of general legal knowledge wall charts
1987, June
Beifang funü ertong chubanshe (北方妇女儿童出版社)
53x76 cm.
BG E37/679

Poster 15 of a set of 23 posters, part of the Five Year plan to popularize legal knowledge (October 1986). The individual posters discuss various major laws, including the Constitution, Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Law, Marriage Law, etc.

The poster explains the structure of the "Inheritance Law of the PRC" (中华人民共和发继承法) under the banner "The inheritance law is an important law to protect citizens' legitimate inheritance rights" (继承法是保护公民合法继承权的重要法律). To the right, under the heading "The inheritance law is the basic principle for regulating property inheritance relations" (继承法是调整财产继承关系的基本准则), "The scope of the estate" (遗产包括的范围), "Loss of inheritance rights" (丧失继承权的行为), and "Legal inheritance" (法定继承), are explained.

All posters in this series