Popularization of general legal knowledge wall charts

Puji falü changshi guatu
Popularization of general legal knowledge wall charts
1987, June
Beifang funü ertong chubanshe (北方妇女儿童出版社)
53x76 cm.
BG E37/686

Poster 22 of a set of 23 posters, part of the Five Year plan to popularize legal knowledge (October 1986). The individual posters discuss various major laws, including the Constitution, Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Law, Marriage Law, etc.

The poster further deals with "Regulations of the PRC on Public Security Administration Punishments" (中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例), providing more details about acts that fall under the Public Security Administration. They include "Acts of infringing public and private property" (侵犯公私财物行为); "Acts that violate public security management and disrupt social management order" (妨害社会管理秩序的违反治安管理行为); "Violation of fire management" (违反消防管理); "Violation of traffic management" (违反交通管理和违反交通管理行为); and "Violation of household registration and ID card management" (违反户口后者居人身份证管理). Moreover, there are "Strict Prohibitions" (严厉禁止), including gambling, smugling, and sex crimes.

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