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Great meeting to struggle against the counter-revolutionary revisionist elements Wei Hu, Wang Qian, Wang Daren
(1967, February)
Warmly welcome another great victory of Mao Zedong Thought - the birth of the Shanghai People's Commune
(1967, February)
Be ready to die in defense of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line - Revolutionary Rebels Picture Exhibition
(1967, February)
Down with Soviet revisionism! Smash Brezhnev's dog's head to pulp! Smash Kosygin's dog's head to pulp!
(1967, February)
Study the Sixteen Points; be familiar with the Sixteen Points; apply the Sixteen Points
(1967, February)
Quotation of Chairman Mao: We are not only good in destroying the old world, we are also adept at creating a new one
(1967, March)
It is now the spring plowing season […]
(1967, March)
[Our purpose is] to ensure that literature and art fit well into the whole revolutionary machine...
(1967, March)
Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought, turn our army into a true great school of Mao Zedong Thought
(1967, April)
Long live the great leader Chairman Mao! Long live! Long, long live! -- Chairman Mao in North Shaanxi, 1935
(1967, April)
Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought - Thoroughly smash the rotting counterrevolutionary revisionist line in literature and the arts
(1967, April)
Resolutely smash the number one person in authority in the Party taking the capitalist road - Liu Shaoqi
(1967, April)
China's Khrushchev, go to hell!
(1967, April)
Persevere in acting according to the Sixteen Points of the Central Committee of the Party
(1967, April)
Thoroughly criticize the great poisonous weed of "How to be a good communist"
(1967, April)
Scatter the old world, build a new world
(1967, April)
The shaming of Wang Heshou in Beijing
(1967, May)
The May 16 Notification is a great new milestone in the history of the development of Marxism-Leninism, it is the Manifesto of the Communist Party of the 1960s
(1967, 27 May)
Resolutely protect the policy of the revolutionary three-in-one combination!
(1967, May)
Culture must serve workers, peasants and soldiers, must serve proletarian politics!
(1967, May)
Long live the proletarian revolutionary line with Chairman Mao as its representative!
(1967, May)
Quotation from Chairman Mao
(1967, May)
Resolutely uncover "1 June", massacre the murderers of the East Workers Sports Academy!
(1967, June)
Revealing the truth about Tan Youming
(1967, June)
Study comrade Jiang Qing, pay respect to comrade Jiang Qing
(1967, June)
Patriotic compatriots of Hong Kong and Kowloon mobilize, resolutely fight back the British imperialist provocation!
(1967, June)
Correctly handle the two different types of contradictions; tightly control the struggle's great direction; commemorating the 10th anniversary of the publication of chairman Mao's great writings "On the internal contradictions among the people"
(1967, June)
The "Second Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign" to thoroughly smash the counterrevolutionaries
(1967, July)
Down with Li Fanwu!
(1967, July)
Down with Li Fanwu!
(1967, July)
We will always study the "Three Constantly Read Articles"
(1967, July)
Down with Yan Hongyan! Down with Li Jingquan!
(1967, July)
Hold high the red banner of great Mao Zedong Thought - Stir up a new wave of great revolutionary criticism - Meet the new attack of the Chinese Khrushchev heads-on
(1967, July)
It is up to us to organize the people. As for the reactionaries in China, it is up to us to organize the people to overthrow them. Mao Zedong
(1967, July)
Urgent announcement for the people of the whole nation; Make the "Three Anti" element Zhang Yunjie and the bad leader of the Liaoning University 831 group Zhang Xiangjiu pay their blood debts
(1967, August)
Political power comes from the barrel of a gun
(1967, August)
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line in art!
(1967, August)
Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line
(1967, September)
Great news
(1967, September)
Solemnly remember the victory of Pingxing Pass, hold the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought high
(1967, September)
All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.
(1967, September)
The army and the people are of one mind, who on earth dares to oppose
(1967, September)
Smash Li Jingquan and his small handful of confederates
(1967, September)
Following Mao Zedong the world will turn red
(1967, September)
Chairman Mao is the red sun in the hearts of the world's revolutionary peoples
(1967, September)
Warmly welcome the founding of the revolutionary committee of Xinxiang Normal College!
(1967, November)
Long live Chairman Mao! Long live! Long, long live!
(1967, November)
Be a trailblazer in the fight against selfishness, be a pathbreaker in the criticism of revisionism
(1967, November)
Thoroughly criticize the Chinese Khrushchev from a political, ideological and theoretical perspective
(1967, November)
Man's world is mutable, seas become mulberry fields: Chairman Mao inspects the situation of the Great Proletarian Revolution in Northern, South-Central and Eastern China
(1967, December)
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