Iron Girl Qiu San'e

Iron Girl - Qiu San'e, 1958

Iron Girl - Qiu San'e, 1958

On 26 May 1959, during an inspection tour in Hunan Province, Luo Ruiqing --as Vice-premier of the State Council-- visited the Meijiang Renhe Iron Factory on the way from the Tianhu Iron Mine of the Lianyuan Iron and Steel Works to Lianyuan. After hearing about the advanced deeds of Qiu San'e (邱三娥), a young female furnace worker in the factory, Luo Ruiqing pointed out: “We must care for the next generation. Don’t let children and women do things beyond their reach, we can't let a 14-year-old child carry more than 30 kilograms. Ore can affect physical development. At the same time, attention should be paid to the drinking water hygiene, heatstroke prevention and the cooling of industrial and mining employees. Only by caring about the lives of employees can work efficiency be improved."

Luo Ruiqing also personally visited Qiu San'e in her workshop and had a photo taken with her. Luo heard that the 18-year-old girl had been very poor before liberation and never went to school, instead needing to work in order to eat and survive. He said to her with concern: "San'e, you work hard in production, but you have to learn culture. You must become a cultured communist fighter.” Luo Ruiqing said to the leaders of Lianyuan County: “Such advanced figures must be cultivated. Girls cannot work long-term as furnace workers. Try to let her learn culture first.” On 8 July 1959, the county decided that Qiu San'e should go to the county industrial school to learn culture.

Already before Luo's visit in 1959, Qiu's deeds were praised in the province. This poster, as well as a 19-page booklet entitled by 钢铁姑娘邱三娥 (Iron Girl Qiu San'e) by Meng Shude (孟树德), had been published in 1958 by the Hunan People's Publishing House (湖南人民出版社).